14. Class Function Declarations
Class Functions
To write functions in your Matrix class, you need to declare those functions first. For the Matrix class, you can think of these functions as belonging to three separate categories:
- constructor functions
- set and get functions
- functions for Matrix functionality
Declaring these functions will be exactly like declaring functions in the previous lesson. The difference is that now you have to decide if a function is private, protected or public. And the function declarations go inside the class declaration.
You will define your functions in matrix.cpp. But first, let's briefly talk about each type of function. Constructor functions are for initializing objects. Python does this with the def __init__
syntax. The C++ syntax is a bit different, and you will learn about the differences in the next part of the lesson.
Set and get functions are specifically for accessing and assigning values to private variables. Because an object will not have direct access to private variables, the set and get functions give indirect access. Set and get functions have the same syntax as any other C++ function. Using set and get is a convention of object oriented programming rather than a specific C++ syntax.
And finally, there are the functions that consist of the matrix functionality such as printing out the matrix, adding matrices together, multiplying matrices, etc. You will implement these functions as part of the exercises.
Go to the next part of the exercise to declare and define the Matrix constructor functions.
Set and Get Function Declarations
Set and Get functions allow your objects to gain access to private variables. An object cannot access a private variable directly, so instead, set and get functions are used. You can see how this is done in the Gaussian object from earlier in the lesson.
Here were the declarations for the set and get functions:
class Gaussian
void setMu(float);
void setSigma2(float);
float getMu();
float getSigma2();
A set function changes the value of a variable whereas a get function returns the value of a variable. You'll notice that set and get function syntax is the same as any regular function. In fact, set and get are conventions rather than specific to C++. It's traditional to name these functions getVariablename() and setVariablename() although there is no requirement to do so.
You would declare set and get functions as public so that objects could have access to these functions.
Set Functions
- A set function only changes the value of a variable.
- The void return type implies that the function does not return anything.
Functions for Matrix Functionality
The third set of functions to declare are for the matrix functionality. The syntax is exactly the same as the get and set function syntax as well as any normal C++ function. You need to specify the return datatype, the function name, and the datatype for the input variables.
For example, the Gaussian class had three functions: evaluate, multiply and add. Here is how these functions were declared in the gaussian.h file:
class Gaussian
// functions to evaluate
float evaluate (float);
Gaussian multiply (Gaussian);
Gaussian add (Gaussian);
Declaring Functions in the Matrix Class
Now it's your turn to declare functions in the matrix.h file. Fill out the TODOS in the matrix.h file below. Don't forget that every function in matrix.cpp needs to be declared in matrix.h.
The answer is underneath the code block.
Start Quiz:
#include <vector>
class Matrix
std::vector< std::vector<float> > grid;
std::vector<float>::size_type rows;
std::vector<float>::size_type cols;
** TODO: Declare constructor functions
** For the matrix class, you will need two constructor functions.
** 1. An empty constructor function
** 2. A constructor function that accepts a 2-dimensional vector
** TODO: Declare set and get functions for the three private variables.
** You will need 1 set function and 3 get functions.
** The names of these functions should be setGrid, getGrid, getRows,
** and getCols.
** The setGrid does not return anything and has a 2-D vector input
** getGrid returns a 2-D vector and has no input
** getRows returns a size_type and has no input
** get Cols returns a size_type and has no input
** TODO: Declare the matrix functions. In a following exercise, you
** will program matrix_transpose, matrix_addition and matrix_print
** functions. So you will need to declare these two functions.
** matrix_transpose has no input and outputs a 2D vector
** matrix_addition receives a Matrix and outputs a 2D vector
** matrix_print has no inputs and no outputs
#include "matrix.h"
/* TODO: Define the default constructor. Remember the syntax is
** Classname::ClassName() {
** initialize variables
** }
** You need to initialize the grid variable to a default value such as
** a 4x4 matrix with all zeros.
** Then initialize the rows variable, and the cols variable using the
** vector size method. For example myvector.size() will give the size of
** a vector. For a 2-dimensional vector, myvector.size() would be the
** number of rows in a matrix.
/* TODO: Define the a constructor that receives a 2-Dimensional vector
** and assigns the vector to the grid variable.
** Remember the syntax is
** Classname::ClassName(datatype inputvariablename) {
** classvariable = inputvariablename
** }
** Then initialize the rows variable, and the cols variable exactly
** as you did for the default constructor.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "matrix.h"
int main () {
// TODO: Nothing to do here
return 0;
#include <vector>
class Matrix
std::vector< std::vector<float> > grid;
std::vector<float>::size_type rows;
std::vector<float>::size_type cols;
// constructor function declarations
Matrix ();
Matrix (std::vector< std::vector<float> >);
// set and get function declarations
void setGrid(std::vector< std::vector<float> >);
std::vector< std::vector<float> > getGrid();
std::vector<float>::size_type getRows();
std::vector<float>::size_type getCols();
// matrix function declarations
std::vector< std::vector<float> > matrix_transpose();
std::vector< std::vector<float> > matrix_addition(Matrix);
void matrix_print();
Defining Functions
In the next section, you will define all of these functions in the matrix.cpp file.